Orthoservice Ro+Ten


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Tendinopathy of the ankle

Tendinopathy of the ankle

An everyday occurrence

Even though we sometimes forget, ankles play an essential, active role in supporting the weight of our body, helping us to maintain our balance, and ensuring effective propulsion.

Occurrences that happen in our everyday lives, such as trauma and microtrauma caused by overload, together with the onset of rheumatological diseases (arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis) can slow down these well-oiled machines and cause a painful condition generally referred to as tendinopathy of the ankle.

Orthoservice Ro+Ten has developed a choice of different ankle supports to help healthcare professionals to manage these types of condition. 

If you would like to know more about their features and specifications, click here: 

MalleoFIT 81

MalleoSKILL 81

Malleolastik 37

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