We are incredibly pleased to announce that our website is now even bigger and better as we have added a new section featuring extra content.
We’ve called it “Highlights”.
As well as the weekly news from the Orthoservice Ro+Ten world, you will find a new video gallery so all our videos are always just a click away or easily accessible on smartphones.
In addition to the clips about Orthoservice Ro+Ten the company, we have created a special section for the people that use our products containing tips and information about wearing our braces and supports.
Plus , we have included more specialised videos for doctors and specialist technicians that provide a better understanding of how to adjust and adapt our products to meet their patients’ specific needs.
Finally, we have a less technical section with clips taking a more light-hearted look at some of our most popular products and how they can play a key role in our everyday lives.
Easy, simple yet smart.